Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Warning Signs of Tooth Loss: What to Look for and What You Can Do

Feb 15, 2024 @ 12:00 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Worried about losing a tooth? Before you visit us for dental implants to treat tooth loss, remember that you can prevent a problem if you recognize the early warning signs. In fact, there are a number of symptoms and warning signs before your tooth falls out.

The team here at Brooklyn Heights Dental, serving Dumbo, Fort Greene, Cobble Hill, would like to go over some of the common signs someone is about to lose a tooth. We’ll also note potential treatments worth considering.

Your Tooth Feels Loose

If it feels like one or more of your teeth are coming loose, that’s often a sign that a tooth will fall out. This also applies to teeth that feel wiggly or like they’re shifting out of place. A loose or wobbly tooth can affect your ability to eat certain foods, so be aware of that while you’re having a meal.

Your Tooth Has Been Damaged or Decayed for Some Time

If you’ve had a chipped tooth or severely decayed tooth for a while, there’s a chance it may come loose and fall out at some point in the near future. This is why it’s important to see a dentist regularly and to note any major cavities or trauma to your teeth.

You’ve Noticed Greater Tooth Pain or Sensitivity

A toothache could be a sign of all kinds of health issues. Sometimes pain means a tooth is about to come loose. In these cases, we’d potentially recommend the extraction of a sore tooth to relieve your pain and prevent further issues down the road.

You Have Symptoms of Untreated Gum Disease

Gum disease can lead to conditions in which tooth loss is possible. This includes gum recession and tooth decay below the gumline. Be on the lookout for any indications of gingivitis or periodontitis, which may include:

Will I Lose My Tooth or Can It Be Saved?

That depends. Sometimes we can prevent tooth loss and address any damage to the tooth or other health issues. Other times it may be too late for the team here at Brooklyn Heights Dental to prevent a tooth from falling out.

Ultimately, early detection is best, and that usually means regular checkups and cleanings.

Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth

If you do need a tooth extracted or experience tooth loss, we have multiple treatments we may recommend. This includes creating a dental bridge to replace a missing tooth or creating dentures to replace multiple missing teeth. These dental prostheses can be anchored in place with dental implants, ensuring better overall function and stability.

We can discuss these options during your visit to Brooklyn Heights Dental. If you are a candidate for dental implants, we can go over the full treatment plan and timeline with you in greater detail. We can also discuss dental implant prices and financing options so you get a better understanding of the investment in your smile.

Contact Brooklyn Heights Dental to Learn More

If you fear you’re about to lose a tooth, contact Brooklyn Heights Dental. We look forward to seeing you in the office and helping you experience improved oral health.