Dental Implants

At Brooklyn Heights Dental®, we perform every stage of dental implant treatment to restore the function, look, and comfort of your smile. 

Learn more about this gold-standard tooth replacement option and why patients in New York and surrounding communities choose us for dental implants in Brooklyn Heights, NY.

Transforming Smiles, Improving Lives Dental Implant Before and After Photos

Before dental implants
Before Dental Implants
After dental implants
After Dental Implants

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"I Felt Very Comfortable Getting My Dental Implant"


Cooking With Tara


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The Staff was very attentive, understanding, professional and took their time. I didn’t feel like a number I felt like an actual person that knew them for years. I felt very comfortable getting my dental implant. The Dentist and dental assistant can see I was nervous and kept asking me if I was ok and telling me I’m doing doing great. I was a big baby in that chair and wasn’t judge. I had a great experience.

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Tyrone Pilgrim


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I had an emergency while on vocation in New York, I call Brooklyn Heights Dental and they we able to fit me with an appointment. The staff was amazing and the doctor was well knowledgeable and experience I’m so great full and thankful for their prompt services.

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Contact Our Dentist

We serve patients from throughout Brooklyn and other areas of New York at our practice. We are conveniently located next to Fort Greene, giving more patients easy access to high quality dental care. Contact our dentistry practice online to ask a question or request a consultation. You can also reach us in Brooklyn Heights by phone:

Same-Day Treatment FAQ

With 3-D imaging and an in-office CEREC® system, we can place and restore implants comfortably and conveniently in a single day. You can leave our office with a full and complete smile, enjoying restored dental function sooner than ever before.

Am I a Candidate?

Your jaw must be strong enough to immediately support your dental implant. If your bone has started to recede because of missing teeth, it may not be stable enough to support implant posts without a bone graft.

How Do Same-Day Restorations Work?

For same-day restorations, our dentist will attach a temporary restoration to your implant posts immediately after surgery. Often, we use the CEREC system to create smaller restorations, such as dental crowns, at our office. Larger restorations will be prepared at our partner dental lab before your procedure, ensuring they are available on the day of your surgery.

What Are the Benefits of Same-Day Restorations?

While both traditional and same-day implants require a temporary prosthetic during recovery, the same-day option can look more natural and provide superior support compared to temporaries. Patients can enjoy complete dental function very quickly after surgery. Because the prosthetic does not slip out of place easily, most patients can eat a varied diet within a few days of the procedure.

When Is the Custom Restoration Placed?

In four to six months, once your jaw has healed and integrated with the implant posts, your dentist will remove your temporary restoration and attach a permanent prosthetic.

Want to know if same-day dental implants are right for you?

We Provide Comprehensive Dental Implant Treatment

Teeth Tomorrow

Teeth Tomorrow

Teeth Tomorrow is a full arch tooth replacement system that uses six dental implants for the upper arch and five dental implants for the lower arch. Of course, each case differs and our dentist will recommend the number of posts most suitable for your case. During the first appointment, any remaining teeth are extracted and dental implants are placed. The next day, patients return to our Brooklyn practice to have a custom, temporary bridge secured to the implants. After a three- to six-month healing period, patients return to have their custom Prettau® Zirconia full arch bridge placed.

Implant-supported dentures

Full Arch Dental Implants

The Full Arch Dental Implants (also known as a hybrid) now offered at our Brooklyn practice, is another full arch tooth replacement option. If you are missing all of your teeth, we can create a set of artificial teeth to fit the upper or lower jaw. This revolutionary dental prosthetic is ideal for people with complex dental problems who are looking for a simple, attainable, long-lasting solution.

Full Arch Dental Implants connect securely to the implant abutments to make it easier for you to chew, eat, and speak normally without fear of slipping dentures or discomfort.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-Supported Bridges

In addition to using dental implants to secure full arch dentures in place, we also offer implant-retained bridges and crowns. If you are missing a series of teeth in a row, our dentist can place the appropriate number of implants and secure a bridge in place. If you are missing a single tooth, an implant-supported crown is the ideal option.

Want to learn more about your dental implant options? Request a consultation and let us help you fill the gaps in your smile.

Schedule an Appointment

We offer many dental implant options at our practice, serving Fort Greene, Brooklyn, and other areas of New York. The only way to find out which treatment plans are best suited to your unique needs is to request a consultation. You can also reach our Brooklyn Heights dentistry practice by calling (718) 857-6639.

More Dramatic Dental Implant Transformations

Before bridge placement
Before Dental Implants
After bridge placement
After Dental Implants

Hear From Another Happy Patient

"His Professionalism and humbleness is admirable.I highly recommend Dr. Stanislaus for cosmetic and implant dentistry. He took all my fears away after extracting my tooth and placing an implant without causing me any pain or swelling. I feel blessed to have him as my dentist. I thank him and his full staff of professionals." Mariana Lozano

Dental Implant Restorations

Stages of dental implant construction

While they are not directly related to your surgery, the restorations that will be attached to your implants have varying costs depending upon whether you receive dental crowns to replace one tooth, or dental bridges or dentures to replace multiple teeth. The type of material also affects the price.

Making Dental Implant Treatment More Affordable

Our Brooklyn Heights dentistry office accepts flexible financing plans. You may also qualify to use a flexible spending account (FSA) to pay for part of your treatment. If you would prefer to pay for your treatment up front, we accept all major credit cards and other forms of payment.

Want to find out how much treatment will cost in your case? Contact our practice, serving Fort Greene, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, and other areas of New York, online to ask a question or request an appointment. You can also reach us by phone at:

Read More 5-Star Reviews


Ndeye Peinda


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Honestly- there are not enough words to detail how GREAT Brooklyn Heights Dental, Dr. Stanley and his staff are. From my very first visit- I was comfortable, tended to, and had every single question answered. I just finished my first of 2 procedures and everything is healing great. If you are looking through reviews to find the best place to go - LOOK NO FURTHER. This is the place you want to be.

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Kate Bishop


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I was able to get in same day for an unexpected procedure. The staff and Dr. Stanislaus were great. Professional, COVID safe, and I always felt like I knew what to expect for each part of the appointment. Dr. Stanislaus was kind, informative, and did not rush (which can be not so great for dental procedures). I will definitely be a returning client.

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Factors That Can Affect Your Candidacy

There are certain factors that could affect your eligibility for treatment, including: 

Bone Loss

If you have insufficient bone tissue in your upper or lower jaws, Dr. Stanislaus may recommend a bone graft or sinus lift. These procedures can help give your implants a stable foundation. 

Poor Oral Health 

If you have preexisting oral health issues such as tooth decay, infection, or gum disease, these will need to be treated prior to your implant surgery. Fortunately, we can perform most treatments to restore your oral health in-office. 

Tobacco Use 

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of implant failure. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit smoking prior to your procedure to ensure healthy, proper healing. 

Systemic Health Issues 

If you have diabetes or another systemic health concern, discuss this with Dr. Stanislaus during your consultation. Diabetes, for example, does not disqualify you as long as it is controlled.

Not sure if you qualify for dental implants? Request an appointment to discuss your candidacy.  

Getting Started: Preparing for Treatment

Consultation & Assessment

Before your surgery is scheduled, you will meet with Dr. Stanislaus for an examination and discussion about your oral health. Dr. Stanislaus will evaluate the health of your gums, teeth, and jawbone tissue using x-ray technology. It is important that your mouth is free from decay and gum disease before you undergo any type of restorative treatments.

Preparatory Procedures

Once he has determined your smile is healthy, Dr. Stanislaus will evaluate scans of your jawbone to determine if it is strong and large enough to support implants. If you require preparatory procedures, it is important to understand you will require additional healing time, which will lengthen your treatment timeline but increase your chances of success.

How Does a Dental Implant Work?

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw and topped by a replacement tooth. In a process known as osseointegration, the titanium post and the jawbone fuse. This occurs over time as the bone grows around the implant, providing the strongest possible replacement for missing teeth. A natural looking replacement tooth is then attached to the titanium post to complete the dental implant restoration procedure.

What to Expect during Implant Surgery


On the day of your dental implant surgery, Dr. Stanislaus will administer nitrous oxide or IV sedation to help you relax, as well as a local anesthetic at the site of each implant.

Implant Placement

Dr. Stanislaus will carefully create small incisions in your gums to allow access to your jaw bone. There, he will create small holes for each of your implant posts and set them securely in place. Your gums will then be sutured closed over your implants, and you will begin the process of recovery.

Temporary Restoration

Dr. Stanislaus will provide you with a temporary restoration to wear while you heal. In some cases, he can provide same-day restorations, which provide immediate functionality and require no additional surgeries.


In the months following your procedure, your jawbone will begin to fuse with each of your titanium implants. Known as osseointegration, this process will strengthen your implants in place over time. The healing process typically takes three to six months, although Dr. Stanislaus will ultimately determine when you are ready to receive your permanent restorations.

Abutment Placement

In the final stage of your treatment, the gums will be opened and abutments will be placed on top of each implant post.

Attaching the Restoration

Your doctor will then attach the new crown, bridge, or denture securely in place to restore the strength and function of your smile. Unlike traditional restorations, like dentures, they will never slip out of place.

Watch Us Discuss the Dental Implant Procedure

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Another Happy Patient

Brooklyn heights dental has restored my faith in going to the dentist. Now i can't wait for my next appointment. The entire staff is excellent
Jacqueline A. BROWN

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants in Brooklyn Heights

Is Getting Dental Implants Painful?

No. Thanks to advances in dentistry and pain management, the surgical procedure is virtually painless. Some soreness after implant placement is common, but it is manageable and temporary. Following oral surgery, patients are given instructions regarding the use of pain relievers and proper aftercare to minimize discomfort.

Will My Body Reject My Dental Implants?

No. Dental implants are made of state-of-the-art biocompatible materials such as titanium. These materials are selected because they will naturally fuse with the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. The careful selection of implant materials - along with careful screening of our patients - helps maintain excellent treatment success rates.

How Long Does the Dental Implant Process Take?

It can take three to six months before implants are ready to support replacement teeth. If you require grafting, this can add several additional months to treatment. Our dentist can provide an estimated timeline for your treatment plan.

How Do I Clean My Implants and Implant Restoration?

Good oral hygiene is crucial for preventing peri-implantitis (gum tissue inflammation around the implant) and other dental health problems. Fortunately, the preventive tools you need are available over the counter. Be sure to clean your implant restoration with a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. A water flossing device and the use of super floss can help remove food particles and plaque around hard-to-reach areas.

Have a Question We Didn't Answer?

You may have additional questions about implant dentistry that we didn't answer. If so, the Brooklyn Heights Dental® team can happily provide additional information. Whether you are missing one tooth or all of your teeth, Dr. Stanislaus is here to help restore your self-confidence. If you live in Fort Greene, Cobble Hill, or Downtown Brooklyn, contact our dental office online. You can also reach us by phone.

We Help Brooklyn Smile


Cassandra Chandrabhan


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I came here for a 2nd opinion to see if I have any dental problems caused by my last dentist. I have facial swelling and pain similar to TMJ or an infection but not sure what exactly I have. Dr. Stanislaus examined me properly to rule out anything. I just want to say he's one of the nicest people I have come across in a long time. A true gentleman. When he first saw us he introduced himself and said welcome to the practice. The girls at the front were also very nice as well as the assistants who set me up for my CBCT scan. Being in so much pain everyone was so nice and gentle with me that I want to return in the future for actual dental work.

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I. Candice Moore


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Last week I experienced pain and facial swelling due to an unchecked abscess and was desperate to find a good dentist. I have anxiety when receiving dental care which does not make getting treatment easy. Can’t believe my fortune in finding Brooklyn Heights Dental and Dr Stanislaus. My experience was positive, thorough and pain free. The office is clean and modern; the entire staff is professional and polite. I appreciate the attention, care and patience for my situation. Thank you Dr. Stanislaus for agreeing to see me even when time did not allow and helping when others would not.

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Dr. Stanislaus of Brooklyn Heights Dental®

Brooklyn Heights Dental®

The team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® has been committed to caring for our community's smiles since 1956. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid are affiliated with several renowned institutions and organizations, including:

  • The Academy of General Dentistry
  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • The International College of Dentists
  • The Misch International Implant Institute

To set up an appointment or learn more about our services, give us a call at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online.

Contact Us

"I've been very happy with my experiences at Dr. Stanislaus's office, and highly recommend him to anyone in the New York City area. He and his staff go above and beyond to do the best job possible." -R.B. (Patient)

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