Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Dental Crown after Root Canal Therapy

Apr 17, 2020 @ 07:37 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a versatile and natural-looking restoration that can replace a missing tooth or protect a damaged tooth. The doctors at Brooklyn Heights Dental® offer same-day crowns that are made from incredibly lifelike materials.

Following the onset of a root canal infection, one of our doctors will need to remove natural tooth structure in order to access and remove infected tissue from inside your tooth. Following this procedure at our Brooklyn, NY, dental practice, also serving Fort Greene, your tooth will likely be fitted with a dental crown. Learn more about placement of a dental crown after root canal therapy.

Do I Have to Have Crown Placed after Root Canal Therapy?

One of the first steps of root canal therapy involves drilling a hole on the surface of your tooth. This opening allows one of our doctors to reach the infected inner pulp and remove the infected material.

The hole has to be large enough to allow special tools to reach inside the infected tooth. Dental fillings are inadequate to fill this opening following your treatment. Any restoration used to replace lost tooth structure needs to be strong enough to withstand the pressures of eating and durable enough to provide long-term protection for your tooth.

In some cases, an inlay or onlay may be sufficient to restore strength to your tooth following root canal therapy.

Benefits of Dental Crowns after Root Canal Therapy

Dental crowns restore strength to a tooth following restorative treatment. Unlike dental fillings, inlays, and onlays, a dental crown completely encases a tooth in a protective cap that is fabricated right here in our Brooklyn office.

Because our office has invested in advanced CEREC technology, you can have your final restoration placed soon after your root canal treatment is complete. Same-day crowns save you valuable time.

Dental crowns are also incredibly durable. The prosthetics can easily last 10 years or longer when properly maintained. If you require a dental crown following root canal therapy, you will be fitted with a high-quality prosthetic that looks and feels natural.

How Are Crowns Placed after Root Canal Therapy?

Once your tooth has been treated and your oral health has been restored, a digital impression of your tooth will be made. Our advanced CEREC machine will fabricate your crown from a single block of high-quality porcelain while you wait. Once it is ready, one of our doctors will ensure that it is a perfect fit. You will be asked if you are satisfied with the appearance of the prosthetic before it is cemented on.

Once your root canal therapy is complete, you should not experience the return of an infection. If you experience any sudden discomfort coming from your treated tooth in the days following treatment, let our office know immediately.

Experiencing a Sudden Toothache? Call Our Office Immediately

A root canal infection is a dental emergency that can spread quickly. If you are experiencing the sudden onset of oral pain, call our office immediately. The sooner we can treat your tooth, the greater your chances of retaining your natural tooth. To report a potential dental emergency, contact us online or call our office at (877) 481-8882.