Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

LUMINEERS® Candidates: Are Ultra-Thin Veneers Right for You?

Jun 20, 2018 @ 10:54 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Lumineers

Even if you are diligent in your home care and attend every routine dental visit, there are probably still a few elements of your smile you would like to change. At Brooklyn Heights Dental in Brooklyn, NY, our doctors offer a number of cosmetic treatments, including LUMINEERS®, which can mask a wide range of aesthetic flaws, including discoloration, chips, gaps, and more.

Here, we discuss who is a good candidate for LUMINEERS, along with how this treatment can bring beauty, symmetry, and balance to your smile.

LUMINEERS vs. Traditional Dental Veneers

Traditional veneers are an excellent way to conceal a number of cosmetic imperfections. Placed on the front surfaces of the teeth, custom-made veneers offer dramatic results. In order to place traditional veneers, small amounts of enamel must be removed.

Conversely, LUMINEERS require little to no preparation. Therefore, patients who choose this option can enjoy a more attractive smile without the need for enamel removal. This is beneficial for maintaining long-term oral health, as LUMINEERS placement does not compromise any healthy tooth structure.

General Candidacy for LUMINEERS

In most cases, anyone who is eligible for traditional veneers can qualify for LUMINEERS as well.

Patients should be in good overall health and should not have tooth decay and gum disease. If these conditions are present, restorative treatments can be performed first before pursuing cosmetic procedures.

Of course, patients should also have a thorough understanding of treatment and realistic expectations of their results.

What Conditions Can be Addressed with LUMINEERS?

There are several cosmetic concerns that can be successfully addressed with LUMINEERS. We will briefly explore some of the most common issues in the sections below.

Chips, Cracks, or Fractures

Teeth with chips, hairline fractures, or craze lines can detract from an otherwise beautiful smile. LUMINEERS can mask these flaws and offer a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. For example, a chipped tooth can be restored to its original shape and size with this treatment.

Tooth Discoloration

In most cases, tooth discoloration can be successfully addressed with professional teeth whitening. However, some intrinsic stains, which are caused by medications, genetics, or trauma, do not respond to bleaching. Therefore, LUMINEERS are an excellent choice in these situations, as the discoloration can be masked by your veneers.

Worn Dentition

Those who suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding) may eventually develop significant wear and tear. In some cases, the teeth can become eroded and short due to excessive pressure.

LUMINEERS can restore natural tooth size and make the smile appear balanced and beautiful. It should be noted, however, that patients who undergo treatment for tooth erosion should invest in a night guard to protect the teeth from further damage.

Gaps or Spacing

Gapped teeth cause many patients to feel self-conscious about their smile. LUMINEERS can be placed to close the gaps between teeth, offering seamless, attractive results.

Slight Misalignment

In some cases, LUMINEERS can be placed in lieu of orthodontic treatment. For example, slightly misaligned teeth can actually appear flush with the adjacent teeth after LUMINEERS have been placed. Keep in mind, however, this is typically only recommended for mild cases of misalignment.

Explore Your Candidacy for LUMINEERS

No matter what your aesthetic concerns, our team can help you find a solution. To learn more about LUMINEERS, or any other cosmetic procedure, schedule a visit at our practice. You can call us at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online anytime.