Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants
When you're missing a tooth or multiple teeth, there are many different dental health issues that you will face. For one, there are the obvious aesthetic problems associated with tooth loss and tooth gaps. In addition, the loss of just a few teeth actually causes bone loss and gum recession in the tooth gap, and can even lead to misalignment of the teeth adjacent to the tooth gap.
Thankfully when you meet with a skilled cosmetic dentist, you can learn about various options out there for replacing those missing teeth. One option to consider that will address the issues with bone and gum recession as well as tooth misalignment is implant dentistry. Let's look at it in basic terms and then focus on candidacy for dental implants.
About Dental Implants
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically embedded into the jawbone and gum tissue of a patient. These artificial tooth roots provide a hold comparable to natural tooth roots and can be used to support dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures.
General Candidacy for Dental Implants
Ideal candidates for dental implants are people who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth but are in otherwise good health. They should suffer from no medical conditions that would lead to potential health risks. It's also important that candidates understand all of the risks and benefits that are involved with surgery.
Sufficient Bone Density and Gum Density
It's important that candidates for dental implants have sufficient bone and gum density in place since these hard and soft tissues are required to support the artificial tooth root. Advanced gum recession and bone loss would preclude a patient from getting dental implants since they would not be anchored properly.
Realistic Expectations About the Treatment Process
It's important that good candidates for dental implants also have realistic expectations about the entire treatment process. This means that they should understand the risks and benefits involved in getting dental implants. This includes understanding that the process does take several months given that the patient's tissues need to fuse with the dental implant.
Grafting Surgery May Make You a Candidate
If you do not have sufficient bone density or gum density, one important option to consider that may make you a good candidate for dental implants is grafting surgery. Soft tissue and hard tissue augmentation are great options to consider for increasing tissue density and making you eligible for dental implants.
With all that said, undergoing these grafting surgeries will extend the treatment period for dental implants by several months. Your candidacy for hard tissue or soft tissue grafting can be discussed in greater detail during a consultation at our practice. Alternatives to dental implants can also be discussed as needed.
Learn More About Dental Implants
If you would like more information about dental implants and how they may be the ideal option for you and your needs, be sure to contact our Brooklyn Heights cosmetic dentistry practice today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent dental health and total wellness.