Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

How to Prevent Gum Erosion

Dec 29, 2011 @ 04:56 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Gum Disease Gum Recession Gum Erosion Periodontal Treatment

Many people think that having a healthy smile only involves taking good care of their teeth. That’s not totally the case, however. Many people forget just how important it is to have healthy gums. In fact, healthy gums are one of the most essential elements of a healthy smile. When you meet with a skilled Brooklyn cosmetic dentist, he or she will be able to tell you how best to maintain and enhance your dental health.

The Importance of Having Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are gums that do not bleed, swell, or recede in any fashion. When your gums are healthy, your teeth are strong and you do not need to worry about compromised bite strength. When people have unhealthy gums, they often require restorative dentistry treatments in order to maintain their dental health.

The Dangers of Gum Recession

One particular danger that people face in terms of gum health is gum recession. Also known as gum erosion, this basically means that the gums pull away from the tooth and reveal more of the underlying root structure. Not only does this weaken the stability of a tooth and lead to tooth sensitivity, tooth decay can form beneath the gumline, which is harder to treat than normal tooth decay. You can’t just use Brooklyn dental crowns to fix this problem.

Causes of Gum Erosion

One of the most common causes of gum erosion is gum disease. This occurs when bacteria infects the gums, causing them to become red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. Gum recession is a common symptom. Trauma to the gums can also lead to gum erosion. This does not need to be a major injury. In fact, this may be caused simply by vigorous brushing with a bad toothbrush.

Preventing Gum Erosion

When you come to our practice, we will answer your questions about cosmetic and restorative dentistry in great depth and provide more info on how to fight gum erosion. Some basic preventative measures include brushing and flossing regularly and visiting your dentist twice a year as usual. It’s pretty remarkable how much simple dental hygiene can accomplish. When brushing, be sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles as that tends to cause less damage to the gums.

Dental Care Treatments for Gum Erosion

If you have gum disease or suffer from gum erosion to some degree, you’ll be glad to know that there is gum therapy and periodontal treatment available. These treatments can help augment, resculpt, or rebuild the gum tissue, reversing the effects of gum recession. We can discuss these matters and your many other options for care during your visit to the practice.

Learn More About Your Dental Care Options

If you would like to learn more about dental treatment and what it can accomplish, be sure to contact our practice. We offer effective cosmetic dentistry in Fort Greene, Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, and are pleased to serve the entire community.