Socket Preservation

When tooth loss occurs, bone atrophy eventually follows. In order to replace missing tooth roots with a dental implant, there must be adequate bone available. Socket preservation at our Brooklyn, NY, dental practice can prevent jaw atrophy following a tooth extraction so that you can undergo implant placement. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus at Brooklyn Heights Dental® uses the latest surgical techniques to ensure your safety and long-term satisfaction.

dental x-ray
Socket preservation involves placing a special bone graft to fill the void following tooth extraction.

Why Socket Preservation is Important

Socket preservation is commonly performed at the time of a dental extraction. This process fills the void left behind by the missing tooth. Without socket preservation, bone atrophy can occur, resulting in visible changes to your facial appearance and significant changes in the shape of the jaw. The primary goal of socket preservation is to reduce the risk of these complications and prepare the jawbone for a dental implant.

The Procedure

The bone graft can be autogenous (taken from another area of your own jawbone) or non-autogenous (acquired from a tissue bank). Your dentist will provide local anesthesia to maintain your comfort throughout extraction and placement of the bone graft. Sedation is also available at your request. Once sufficient material has been placed, the graft is covered with a membrane and the gum tissue is closed using sutures.  

If you need an extraction and you are considering replacing the tooth with a dental implant, socket preservation can restore your smile and help you experience a lifetime of oral health benefits.

Healing and Recovery

Immediately following your extraction and socket preservation, you will be asked to avoid brushing the surgical site. All other areas can be brushed normally. However, it is important to keep your toothbrush away from the graft site for the first several days to keep the bone graft fully intact. You will be able to gently soak the area with antibacterial mouthwashes or warm salt water rinses, but vigorous swishing is to be avoided until initial healing is complete.

Patients should also avoid strenuous activity for the first 48 hours, as heavy lifting or exercise will cause the heart rate to rise, which can result in increased discomfort, bleeding, and swelling. Your doctor will provide you with a list of comprehensive post-surgical instructions. It is important to follow these guidelines closely for a successful recovery.

Generally, socket preservation requires a few months of healing before the implant can be placed. During this time, your own bone tissue will grow and integrate with the grafting material. Once healing is complete, you will be able to safely receive a dental implant.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you need an extraction and you are considering replacing the tooth with a dental implant, socket preservation can restore your smile and help you experience a lifetime of oral health benefits. To explore your treatment options, schedule a visit at Brooklyn Heights Dental. Call us at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online anytime.

Dr. Stanislaus of Brooklyn Heights Dental®

Brooklyn Heights Dental®

The team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® has been committed to caring for our community's smiles since 1956. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid are affiliated with several renowned institutions and organizations, including:

  • The Academy of General Dentistry
  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • The International College of Dentists
  • The Misch International Implant Institute

To set up an appointment or learn more about our services, give us a call at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online.

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"I've been very happy with my experiences at Dr. Stanislaus's office, and highly recommend him to anyone in the New York City area. He and his staff go above and beyond to do the best job possible." -R.B. (Patient)

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