Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Feb 16, 2022 @ 06:49 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is one of your most defining facial features. Unfortunately, crooked, broken, or discolored teeth often result in low self-esteem and lowered confidence. Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help. 

So, what is cosmetic dentistry and can it improve your smile? While general dentistry focuses on preventing and treating oral disease, cosmetic dentistry encompasses dental work that is designed to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. It generally refers to any dental procedure that focuses on dental aesthetics, with the overall goal being an improvement in the shape, size, color, and alignment of the smile. 

Serving patients across Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, Fort Greene, NY, and the surrounding boroughs, Brooklyn Heights Dental is here to answer any cosmetic dentistry questions you may have to start you on your journey to a brighter, bolder smile. 

Five Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Five of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments include dental veneers, teeth whitening, implants, gum contouring, and composite bonding.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made shells manufactured from composite material or porcelain that are placed directly over your natural teeth. Attached to the front of each tooth using a dental adhesive, veneers look and function just like regular teeth and can work wonders when it comes to straightening, whitening, or filling gaps within the smile. 

Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures. First, your dentist will remove all tartar and plaque from the teeth, then a bleaching agent will be applied to lighten your enamel. Teeth whitening can be done in a single visit, and provides astounding results when compared to at-home treatments and remedies. 


Invisalign® works to straighten crooked teeth or improve your bite through the use of plastic aligners that appear almost invisible when placed over the teeth. Each aligner is custom-fit for each patient, and patients typically wear the aligners for a period of around 18 months, depending on the severity of the case and their smile goals. 

Gum Contouring 

This dental procedure is recommended to patients with an excessive amount of gum tissue, resulting in a gummy smile. During the gum contouring procedure, dentists gently remove excess gum tissue to reveal more of the dental enamel. This procedure is sometimes combined with veneers and leaves patients with long-lasting results for a smile they love.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers and Invisalign. The bonding material is painted on or added to a tooth to correct discoloration, fill in gaps, and correct other imperfections. An experienced cosmetic dentist uses skill and artistry to ensure the results look beautiful. 

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right For Me?

Are you unhappy with your smile and ready for a change? Cosmetic dentistry may be the solution. By correcting aesthetic imperfections and improving your appearance, cosmetic dentistry leaves patients with long-lasting and beautiful results to boost their self-esteem. 

Schedule Your Appointment Today

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, our team can assist you with all of your general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry needs to give you a smile you’ll be sure to love showing off to the world. Call (718) 857-6639 or schedule your appointment by emailing us today