Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Root Canal Therapy for a Cracked Tooth

Jan 19, 2022 @ 01:49 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy For A Cracked Tooth

Root canal therapy is probably one of the most dreaded dental procedures. However, root canal therapy has gained a reputation that it doesn’t really deserve. Root canal therapy treats teeth that have been badly damaged or infected to restore oral health, strength, and functions.

One common need for root canal therapy is a cracked tooth. Although it is natural to be nervous about the procedure, dentists at Brooklyn Heights Dental want to assure individuals in Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, and BrooklynNY, that root canal therapy for a cracked tooth is nothing to fear, and actually offers numerous benefits to those who have suffered an oral injury.

Why Do I Need Root Canal Therapy for a Cracked Tooth?

It is important to note that a cracked or fractured tooth does not always require root canal therapy. However, a deep crack can expose the underlying structure of a tooth, where the sensitive nerves and tissues reside. If bacteria get into a dental crack and are able to reach the pulp of the tooth, a root canal infection can develop. A root canal infection is not only extremely painful, but without treatment it can spread and damage other surrounding tissues. When a cracked tooth has become infected, root canal therapy is the most appropriate treatment.

What to Expect During Root Canal Therapy

Many people experience anxiety surrounding root canal therapy, but the procedure is much more straightforward than most people imagine. Root canal therapy is really a deep cleaning procedure that allows our dentists to eliminate infection and restore the strength and structure of the tooth.

To start root canal therapy, a small hole is made in the crown of the tooth. This opening is used to remove all infected and damaged materials from the inner tooth. Next, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, all the way down into the canals of the tooth’s roots. Finally, the tooth is filled with a rubber-like compound, and it is treated with a dental crown that provides an added layer of strength and protection. 

Root canal therapy often takes several dental appointments spread out over a period of weeks, but at Brooklyn Heights Dental we utilize technology that often allows us to complete root canal therapy in a single day.

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful? 

The biggest myth about root canal therapy is that it is painful. A root canal infection can be extremely painful, but the procedure to treat the infection is not. We use anesthesia to ensure that patients feel comfortable throughout the procedure. And for those who are particularly worried about pain, or those with heightened dental anxiety, we offer sedation dentistry.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy offers numerous benefits, including:

Contact Brooklyn Heights Dental

If you have a cracked tooth that is causing you pain, you may be in need of root canal therapy. To learn more about root canal therapy and how it can benefit you, contact our dental practice online, or call (718) 857-6639 to schedule an appointment.