Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Is a Root Canal Infection Painful?

Dec 16, 2021 @ 12:35 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Infection Pain

There are few words that dental patients dread more than “root canal.” When individuals are diagnosed with a root canal infection they often worry that they will have to undergo a painful dental procedure followed by a long and uncomfortable recovery period.

While a root canal infection can cause severe, or even excruciating, pain, root canal therapy should be a painless procedure, which serves to eliminate infection and restore oral comfort. Dentists at Brooklyn Heights Dental prepare individuals in the Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, and Fort Greene, area who are struggling with root canal infection pain for the degree of discomfort they can expect before, during, and after root canal therapy. 

Painful Root Canal Infection Symptoms

A root canal infection affects the nerves and tissues at the center of the tooth, as well as the root system that holds the tooth in place. These sensitive tissues become inflamed as a result of infection, which can lead to numerous uncomfortable symptoms. Common root canal infection symptoms include:

A root canal infection will not heal on its own, so without treatment, symptoms tend to get worse over time. If dental pain is persistent, or comes and goes repeatedly for an extended period of time, individuals should schedule a dental exam as soon as possible.

Root Canal Therapy and Treatment Pain

It is a common misconception that the only way to treat a root canal infection is with a painful dental procedure. In reality, root canal therapy is not much more complex than getting a dental filling. During treatment, infected materials are removed from the tooth, and the root canals are cleaned. After signs of infection have been eliminated, the tooth is filled with a rubber-like compound, and then fitted with a dental crown.

While root canal therapy may sound intense or extensive, it should not cause any pain or significant discomfort. Prior to starting treatment, the infected tooth and surrounding tissues are anesthetized, so patients should feel completely comfortable throughout the procedure.

Will I Have Pain After Root Canal Therapy? 

Many patients worry about the degree of pain they will feel after root canal therapy. The tissues surrounding the treated tooth may feel a little sensitive after root canal therapy, but that should not last for more than a day or two. It can also take a little time for patients to adjust to the way their bite feels with the new dental crown in place. However, patients should not feel any pain as they recover. Instead, individuals should feel relief since the painful symptoms of the root canal infection are resolved.

Contact Brooklyn Heights Dental

Root canal therapy safely and effectively treats a root canal infection to restore oral health and functions, while eliminating dental pain. If you would like more information about root canal therapy or what to expect following treatment, the dentists at Brooklyn Heights Dental can answer any questions you may have. To get in touch with our dental team, send us a message online, or call our practice at (718) 857-6639.