Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Top 4 Implant-Supported Denture Benefits

Oct 16, 2021 @ 07:00 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Implant Supported Dentures

Every denture wearer knows. Tooth loss is a big deal. It impacts your ability to speak, chew, and smile with confidence. Missing teeth also severely inhibit your overall oral health.

Implant-supported dentures offer benefits that help you overcome these problems while also saving you from the adverse effects of bone loss and the anxiety of unstable dental bridges.

Brooklyn Heights Dental®, which offers trusted dental care to patients in Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, and throughout Brooklyn, NY, has the elite training and technology that makes implant-supported dentures a reality for patients. Our patients don’t hesitate to travel across town to see us knowing we provide custom solutions that are tailored to their unique needs.

4 Implant-Supported Denture Benefits You Should Know About

Because implant-supported dentures use artificial tooth roots that more closely mimic natural teeth, they are the closest thing to having your natural teeth back. Among the many benefits our patients appreciate when they get dentures that are held in place with implants: 

Daily Care Is Simplified

There’s no more nightly soaking of your dentures. You simply brush and floss your teeth as directed by your doctor. Another boon is that you get to keep your teeth in your mouth all the time.

Less Maintenance

Because implant-supported dentures help maintain your jaw, you won’t be going back to the dentist to have your dentures relined or replaced because your jaw has changed shape. In addition, the implants can last for decades, or even a lifetime. Of course, just like everyone else, you’ll still need to visit the dentist for regular checkups. 

A Stronger Bite

Start enjoying your favorite foods again. Implant-supported dentures give you a stronger bite than is possible with traditional dentures. They feel more like natural teeth and won’t slip out of place when you eat. With implant-supported dentures, you can leave anxiety behind when you step out for meals with family and friends.

Preserve Your Jawbone 

Many patients don’t realize that traditional dentures are only a cosmetic solution to tooth loss. Traditional dentures not only allow your jaw to deteriorate, but they can also actually hasten the process. This older style of denture lacks tooth roots and doesn't stimulate the jaw bone to encourage new bone growth. As the nerves atrophy from disuse, the jawbone deteriorates and shrinks. To accommodate their shrinking jawbone, patients are forced to have their traditional dentures repeatedly relined and remade.

Implant-supported dentures do take some time. First the implants will need to be inserted into the jaw. Then we need to wait for bone to naturally grow around the implants, which typically takes four to six months. During this time we can usually provide patients with a temporary set of dentures to wear. After the bone has fused with the implants, we will design and attach the implant-supported dentures. 

Schedule Your Consultation 

If you’re ready to say goodbye to frequent refittings, sticky adhesives, and the threat of bone atrophy, then call Brooklyn Heights Dental® today for an appointment. Our caring, expertly trained team is happy to assist you with your new smile. Call us at (718) 857-6639 or send us a message online to schedule your appointment.