Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

5 Common Root Canal Myths

Sep 16, 2021 @ 10:30 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Brooklyn Brooklyn Heights Dental

Root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) involves the removal of infected dental pulp from the camber inside of a tooth. The thought of getting such a procedure sparks dread in potential patients because of the common belief that root canals are painful, time-consuming, and costly. These are, however, just a few of the many myths surrounding modern root canal therapy.

Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid of Brooklyn Heights Dental® are committed to providing comprehensive, conservative dental care to patients all over Brooklyn, NY. They can address your root canal concerns and prevent further complications that stem from tooth infections.

Myth: Root canals are painful.

While that may have been the case decades ago, advances in technology and techniques mean root canals performed today often involve no more discomfort than filling a cavity. When infected tissue is removed from a tooth, the pain associated with that damaged tissue is easily remedied. In other words, root canals are designed to alleviate pain, not worsen it.

Local anesthetics also make the root canal procedure more bearable, and sedation dentistry can always be used if the patient is still apprehensive.

Myth: Root canals are time-consuming.

Another myth surrounding root canal therapy is that it takes multiple visits or several hours to complete. While this may have been true in the past, it is no longer the case. Advances in techniques, materials, and tools have made the process more efficient. Most root canal surgeries performed today are completed in one appointment.

If you are having a crown custom-made to cap the treated tooth, that may require an additional visit. Yet some dentist offices, like our own, offer same-day CEREC® crowns, which can be designed and created in a single visit.

Myth: Root canals are expensive.

Root canal therapy is considered a more affordable treatment when compared to the cost of a dental extraction and dental bridge or implant. Additionally, most dental insurance plans cover at least some of the cost.

It’s also worth noting that it can cost more if you avoid getting a root canal. If the infection spreads and affects other parts of the mouth, that will require extensive and expensive dental procedures to restore your oral health.

Myth: Root canals cause cancer.

The myth that root canals cause patients to develop cancer is based on research conducted by Dr. Weston Price almost a century ago. That research incorrectly found that root canal patients had a higher risk of developing cancer.

Subsequent research has debunked this claim and shown there is little connection between root canal surgery and cancer, let alone other serious illnesses and conditions.

Myth: It’s better to have a tooth pulled.

When possible, it is always best to save as much of your natural tooth structure as possible. Although modern dental technology is quite impressive, nothing artificial can match the look or function of natural teeth. Saving the natural tooth also eliminates the possible complications caused by not having a tooth root, which includes bone atrophy and gum recession.

Learn More About Quality Root Canal Treatments

All of the treatments performed by the team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® are driven by conservatism, aesthetics, and comfort. Call (718) 857-6639 or book a free consultation online to learn how we can help you.