Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Porcelain Veneer Alternatives

Oct 14, 2020 @ 09:25 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneer Alternatives

Aesthetic imperfections such as cracks, chips, and dental discoloration can diminish the appearance of your smile. While porcelain veneers are often used to conceal these flaws, some patients may not be eligible for this type of treatment. Fortunately, there are other cosmetic dentistry options available at Brooklyn Heights Dental, serving residents of Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, and Fort Greene.

Here, Dr. Eugene Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid discuss porcelain veneer alternatives. We will also explore the pros and cons of each so that patients are well-informed about their treatment options.

Why Would Someone Be Ineligible for Porcelain Veneers?

To place veneers, patients must have sufficient healthy enamel present. Some individuals may have thin enamel due to genetics or erosion. In these instances, placing veneers is not advised because your dentist must remove even more enamel during the procedure.

Additionally, some patients do not want the permanency required by porcelain veneers. Since a certain amount of enamel is removed, the procedure is non-reversible. 

Depending on their specific needs, individuals may wish to whiten, straighten, or simply improve the overall look of their smiles. Regardless of the reason for enhancing your smile, there are certain cases in which porcelain veneer alternatives should be sought out. Below, we will explore a few of the most common.

Teeth Whitening

If your primary goal is a whiter, brighter smile, then professional teeth whitening can deliver dramatic results. At Brooklyn Heights Dental, we offer in-office Zoom! whitening treatment. This revolutionary bleaching method can lighten the shade of your natural teeth by several shades. Best of all, treatment can be completed in just one hour.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is often considered a more affordable alternative to porcelain veneers. During this treatment, your dentist layers composite resin on the affected teeth. After shaping and molding the material, it is hardened with a curing light. Finally, the teeth are polished to blend in with the rest of your smile. In contrast to veneers, dental bonding requires minimal to no enamel removal. Therefore, this procedure is completely reversible.


Veneers are sometimes referred to as “instant orthodontics” because they can give the illusion of a straighter smile. Invisalign actually brings the teeth into alignment using a series of clear, removable trays. Once treatment is complete, results are permanent as long as patients wear their retainer as directed.

Dental Crowns

In some cases, patients may have teeth that are too weak or worn for veneers. When additional strength and reinforcement is necessary, dental crowns may be recommended. Unlike a veneer, a crown fits over the entire tooth. This restores function and appearance and also reduces the risk of future damage. At Brooklyn Heights Dental, we offer all-ceramic crowns that mimic your natural teeth for a lifelike look.

Learn More about Your Options

If you would like to improve the appearance of your smile, but are not sure which treatment option is right for you, schedule a consultation at our dental practice. Our doctors can explore each procedure with you in detail and help you choose one that fits your needs and preferences. Contact us online or call our office at (718) 857-6639.