Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Invisalign for Overcrowding

Sep 24, 2020 @ 08:09 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign

Overcrowded or crooked teeth are often a source of embarrassment for individuals. In addition to detracting from your appearance, orthodontic misalignment can interfere with your oral health and dental function.

Traditionally, overcrowded teeth were corrected with metal braces but today, more and more patients are choosing Invisalign for overcrowding. Drs. Eugene Stanislaus and Lisa Reed offer Invisalign treatment at Brooklyn Heights Dental, serving Fort Greene and surrounding communities. Here, our Brooklyn Heights team discusses orthodontic misalignment, why it is important to correct it, and how Invisalign can help straighten your teeth.

What Causes Overcrowding?

Genetics is the leading cause of crooked teeth. If your teeth are out of alignment, it is likely that your parents and grandparents had similar issues. However, there are some health and lifestyle factors that can exacerbate the problem. These include:

How Overcrowding Affects Your Oral Health

Proper dental alignment helps facilitate proper oral function. When the teeth are crooked or overcrowded, it can make chewing difficult. Patients with overcrowding are also much more likely to develop bruxism, TMJ disorder, and other oral health concerns.

Additionally, when the teeth are crooked, they are more difficult to clean. Tight spaces make brushing and flossing much more challenging. As a result, patients with overcrowded teeth have a higher risk of cavities and gum disease.

How Invisalign Works

The Invisalign system includes several sets of clear plastic aligner trays. These aligners are custom-fit and each set in the series is designed to move your teeth closer to their desired locations. In most cases, patients wear each set of trays for two weeks before graduating to the next set.

In order to be effective, your aligner trays must be worn at least 22 hours every day. They should only be removed if you are eating, drinking, brushing, or flossing.

How Long Will My Treatment Take?

How long your Invisalign treatment will take depends on your specific situation. Mild misalignment may only take a few months to correct, while more complex cases could take up to two years or longer. During a consultation at our office, your dentist can tell you approximately how long your treatment will last.

Exploring Patients’ Candidacy

Invisalign can correct most cases of overcrowding. In fact, this orthodontic treatment can address most of the same issues as traditional metal braces. However, patients with particularly complex or severe cases of misalignment may be better suited for conventional orthodontic treatment.

Benefits of Invisalign for Overcrowding

There are many advantages to choosing Invisalign for crooked, overcrowded teeth. Here are a few of the most notable:

Learn More about Invisalign

No matter what type of orthodontic misalignment you have, Invisalign could be an option for you. To learn more about your treatment options, schedule an appointment at Brooklyn Heights Dental. Contact us online anytime or give us a call at (718) 857-6639.