Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Deciding between Traditional and Implant-Supported Dentures

Jul 24, 2020 @ 05:27 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dentures

Denture wearers have options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Traditional dentures have long been a trusted solution, but they can slip and slide and make it difficult to eat. A newer option, implant-supported dentures, are anchored within the mouth. This provides increased comfort and a secure fit, making them a popular choice for many denture wearers. 

At Brooklyn Heights Dental®, Drs. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Lisa Reid explain the differences between traditional versus implant-supported dentures to patients from Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, Fort Greene, and surrounding areas. To find out which treatment is right for you, we invite you to read on and also visit our office. 

What Are Traditional Dentures?

Traditional dentures are used to replace several missing teeth or an entire dental arch. Traditional dentures consist of a set of artificial teeth fixed within a base, usually made of acrylic. This base is a pinkish color to mimic the appearance of the gums. 

These dentures are worn over the gums and can be held in place with special denture adhesive. Some choose not to use adhesive, instead relying on the fit of the dentures to hold them in place. 

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures look similar to traditional dentures with one significant difference. Instead of relying on adhesives to secure the dentures in place, implant-supported restorations attach to four or more dental implants to securely anchor within the mouth. 

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed within the jawbone. As the bone heals around the implants, the bone fuses to the implants. This creates a strong bond between the bone and implant so that when the implant-supported dentures are attached, they are firmly secured within the mouth. 

Weighing the Treatment Benefits

Both traditional and implant-supported dentures offer benefits to those who suffer from severe or total tooth loss. The right treatment largely depends on the needs of each patient. However, there are some things to consider when deciding between traditional versus implant-supported dentures, such as:

Whichever treatment you choose, restoring missing teeth can greatly improve your quality of life by making it easier to eat, improving your oral health, and enhancing your smile.

Learn More during a Consultation

If you are a denture wearer or require extractions and would like more information about traditional or implant-supported dentures, please call (718) 857-6639 to speak with our team at Brooklyn Heights Dental. You can also schedule a consultation online.