Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Porcelain Veneers for Discolored Teeth

Jun 24, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Do cosmetic blemishes leave you afraid to smile? Porcelain veneers can address a wide range of aesthetic issues, including chips, gaps, and discoloration. At Brooklyn Heights Dental, our doctors work with medical-grade ceramics that mimic the color and luster of natural teeth.

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, serving Fort Greene and Brooklyn, NY, patients get porcelain veneers for discolored teeth. Veneers are uniquely suited to address enamel discoloration because the porcelain shells can perfectly conceal all types of discoloration.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers for Discolored Teeth

If you are seeking drastic whitening results, let the doctors of Brooklyn Heights Dental explain the many benefits of this unique cosmetic treatment.

Minimal Post-treatment Maintenance

Following the placement of one or more porcelain veneers at our dental practice, maintaining your cosmetic results is easy. Porcelain is naturally stain-resistant, so you can enjoy red wine and chocolate (within reason) without having to stress about staining your veneers.

Good oral hygiene habits, regular dental cleanings, and steps to protect your veneers from damage can ensure that your veneers remain bright and beautiful for many years.

A Customizable Treatment

Some patients may only need one veneer, while others may require several or more porcelain shells. Veneers are a customizable treatment. In addition to addressing discoloration, your veneer can be fabricated to improve the shape and size of your teeth if you desire. Your doctor will explain all of your cosmetic options during your consultation at our dental office.

Long-lasting Results

Veneers can last 10 or more years. One alternative treatment option, teeth whitening, can brighten your teeth, but the results will only last an average of three years before the treatment has to be completed again. If you are looking for cosmetic results that are long-lasting, ask our doctors if you are a candidate for porcelain veneers.

How Can Porcelain Veneers Whiten My Smile?

Before your veneer treatment can be scheduled, one of our doctors will need to establish your candidacy for porcelain veneers.

Candidacy Considerations

Candidates for this treatment often have deep stains that do not respond to over-the-counter or professional whitening treatments.

Enamel staining can result from a number of reasons, including smoking, diet, age, and genetic factors. Whatever the reason for the enamel stains, porcelain veneers are often an effective treatment. Once one of our doctors has established that you are in good oral health, your treatment can be scheduled.

Tooth Preparation and Impressions

Placing a veneer requires the removal of natural tooth structure. This allows your veneer to rest in a natural position relative to adjacent teeth. Once your teeth are prepped, an impression of your tooth will be made so one of our trusted dental labs can fabricate your veneers.

One of our doctors will send detailed information about the color of your new veneer. Veneers can be made to match your natural tooth color, or the shells can be used to drastically whiten your teeth by several shades.

Final Placement

Once the veneers arrive back at our Brooklyn dental practice, one of our doctors will temporarily place the veneers so you can see your new, whiter smile. Once you are fully satisfied with the results, the shells will be cemented to the front of your teeth. You can immediately enjoy your new smile!

Schedule Your Cosmetic Consultation Today

Tired of frequent teeth whitening treatments? Let one of our esteemed doctors revamp your smile using durable and beautiful porcelain veneers. To schedule your next visit, please contact our office online or call (877) 978-1050.