Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Can Porcelain Veneers Close Gaps in My Smile?

Jun 3, 2020 @ 09:29 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Over time, small cosmetic blemishes can leave your smile looking tarnished and unattractive. Porcelain veneers can address a wide range of aesthetic issues so you can once again enjoy the benefits of an attractive smile. 

Many of our Brooklyn, NY, dental patients seek porcelain veneers as a treatment for gaps between teeth. The doctors at Brooklyn Heights Dental can fabricate the porcelain shells so the gap in your smile is concealed in a natural-looking way.

What Are My Cosmetic Options for Concealing Gaps?

Porcelain veneers are one of the most effective cosmetic treatments for closing gaps. During your visit to our Brooklyn dental practice, possible alternative treatments may be discussed such as dental bonding and Invisalign® clear aligners.

Dental Bonding

Bonding uses the same safe and natural-looking material (composite resin) that our doctors use to fill cavities. One of our doctors can artfully mold the material to fill in the space between gapped teeth. While the treatment is one of the more affordable cosmetic options, the material will need to be replaced every few years.


Invisalign can also close spaces between teeth. If you have large gaps between your teeth, you may be a better candidate for this cosmetic option. The downside to orthodontic treatments is the time commitment. Invisalign treatments require several months to a few years to complete.

Porcelain Veneers

For many patients, veneers offer the fastest and most effective treatment for addressing gaps. The treatment lasts much longer than dental bonding, and veneers can be placed in a fraction of the time that Invisalign treatments require to close gaps. 

How Can Veneers Close Gaps in My Smile?

Veneers are thin shells that are crafted from porcelain. Once fabricated, veneers are cemented on the front of teeth in the “smile zone.” Veneers are uniquely suited to addressing gaps between teeth. The customized porcelain shells can be fabricated to any size and shape. 

For fixing gaps, the doctor will slightly increase the width of the shells (relative to the natural size of the underlying teeth) so that the porcelain shells fill in the gap between the adjacent teeth. Once your veneers are placed, your gap will disappear. Careful steps will be taken to ensure that the results look natural.

Procedure Overview: What You Need to Know

The first step in your veneer treatment for gaps begins with a consultation at our Brooklyn dental practice. One of our esteemed doctors will take the time to listen to your personal goals before recommending veneers or a suitable alternative treatment for addressing your diastema.

Prepping Your Teeth

To close a gap in your smile, the teeth on either side of your gap will need to be prepped. This process requires the removal of natural tooth structure. Prepping allows your veneer to rest on the front of your tooth without protruding. Prepping is performed using local anesthesia.

Impressions and Fabrication

Once that step is completed at our dental practice, images or impressions will be made, and you will be given temporary veneers. One of our doctors will work closely with a trusted laboratory to ensure that your new veneers address the gap between your teeth.

Final Placement of Your Veneers

Once your porcelain shells arrive at our office, one of our doctors will ensure that the shells perfectly conceal your gaps before cementing the shells in place. This can be a very exciting time for our patients. Many individuals who undergo this quick and simple procedure report a boost in self-confidence. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

If gaps or spaces leave you feeling dissatisfied with your smile, porcelain veneers could be a solution for you. Our team can explore treatment options with you and help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you have always wanted. Contact us online anytime or call us at (718) 857-6639.