Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Can Invisalign Fix an Overbite?

May 13, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign

Crooked teeth can be difficult to clean and make patients feel self-conscious about their appearance. If you wish to have better-aligned teeth, Drs. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Lisa Reed provide safe and comfortable orthodontic treatment using Invisalign. The treatment uses clear aligners to gently nudge the teeth into better alignment.

Invisalign® trays can correct a wide range of alignment issues. One common alignment concern is an overbite. To help our Brooklyn, NY, and Fort Greene patients understand if they are a good candidate for Invisalign for an overbite, we offer this overview.

What Is an Overbite?

Overbite results when the upper row of teeth overlap the lower row. A slight overbite (one or two millimeters) is normal. An overbite is often caused by malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth).

Potential Problems Associated with an Overbite

A pronounced overbite can result in a recessive chin that can impact the overall shape of the face. Overbite is not just a cosmetic problem. Individuals with an overbite, especially as they grow older, are at increased risk of developing TMJ disorder. The painful jaw condition can lead to headaches and other problems.

An overbite can also cause speech impediments. Individuals with a significantly overlapping upper row of teeth tend to speak more with their tongue, which can affect speech clarity. In some cases, it can even cause a lisp.

The Importance of Early Intervention for Overbite

Since overbite is often associated with jaw clenching, it can affect your oral health and comfort. An overbite can also make it difficult to properly brush your teeth, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Prompt intervention using Invisalign can help you prevent damage and conditions that could require treatment years later.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign for Overbite?

Overbite is one of several alignment problems that can be corrected using Invisalign. According to the manufacturer of Invisalign clear aligners, the orthodontic treatment can address:

If you have any of these teeth alignment characteristics, you may be a good candidate for Invisalign. Candidates should be in good oral health. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus or Dr. Lisa Reed can treat any existing dental problems that you have before you begin Invisalign treatment.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The treatment process for Invisalign is straightforward. Once an impression of your teeth has been made, Invisalign lab techs fabricate multiple aligner trays. Each tray is slightly different than the previous one. You will need to wear each tray for two weeks or as advised by your dentist.

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled every month or every several weeks so one of our doctors can track your progress. Once your final tray has been used, you will be fitted with a retainer that needs to be worn each night.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation Today

Living with severe overbite can be bad for your oral health. Invisalign trays offer a discreet treatment that can correct your overbite without the need for metal wires and attachments. To schedule your Invisalign consultation, please contact our office online or call (877) 481-8882.