Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Invisalign Appointment Frequency

Nov 11, 2019 @ 12:41 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign Orthodontics Crooked Teeth

Invisalign® offers patients a much more convenient alternative to traditional braces and orthodontic care. These clear plastic aligners gradually shift people’s teeth into ideal position. Since they are easy to remove, they do not impact your ability to eat your favorite foods or go about your daily routine.

Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid have helped numerous adults and teens in Brooklyn Heights and Fort Greene achieve straighter smiles using Invisalign. We want to consider follow-up visits with Invisalign patients below, and why they are essential to the treatment process.

Regular Invisalign Appointments Are Essential

Invisalign treatment is straightforward, but patients still require professional monitoring from their dentist. During these regular Invisalign visits, a dentist can check on the progress of the treatment and make sure everything is on schedule. This is also an opportunity to discuss issues patients have experienced or any concerns on their mind.

The First Invisalign Consultation

When it comes to discussions about Invisalign appointments, let’s start at the beginning.

During the initial Invisalign consultation at Brooklyn Heights Dental, we will take x-rays and assess your current situation. This will help us determine if Invisalign is the ideal treatment option for you and your needs. If you are a good candidate for Invisalign, you’ll come back to the practice in about a week or two to receive your Invisalign aligners.

How Often Will I Go to Follow-Up Appointments?

After getting your Invisalign aligners, you can expect to return to our practice every four to six weeks for periodic monitoring. That means most patients will have about eight follow-up visits or so during the course of the Invisalign procedure.

What Happens at Invisalign Appointments?

These Invisalign appointments are pretty straightforward. Patients will come to the practice and undergo a quick dental examination to see how the treatment is going. Patients can ask the team questions about Invisalign care or any issues they’ve experienced. Our team can make some adjustments to the treatment plan if needed based on what we see.

These appointments are usually pretty brief, lasting about 15 minutes to 30 minutes unless there is a major issue that needs to be resolved.

The Final Invisalign Appointment and What to Expect

The final Invisalign visit will usually involve last adjustments to the teeth for aesthetic reasons. These final adjustments will have been planned ahead of time as part of the follow-up appointments.

An impression is then taken of your straightened teeth so a retainer can be created. A permanent retainer may also be placed depending on the needs of the patient.

Attend Regular Dental Checkups as Well

We should note that in addition to these Invisalign follow-up visits, patients should also attend their regular checkups and cleanings. These regular dental visits will involve other dental care services that are typically not part of an Invisalign follow-up visit.

What to Do If You Have Issues Between Visits

If you experience any issues between Invisalign follow-up visits or your routine checkups, feel free to reach out to us. The team here at Brooklyn Heights Dental is here to answer any questions you have and to address your concerns. We’re here to help and ready to listen.

Learn More About Invisalign

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentists. You can schedule an appointment at our practice by phone at (877) 978-1050.