Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners

Jul 13, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign

If you have made the decision to undergo Invisalign® treatment, you are probably looking forward to having straighter, more attractive teeth. Invisalign moves the teeth into better alignment so you feel more confident about the appearance of your smile.

At Brooklyn Heights Dental® in Brooklyn Heights, NY, Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid discuss proper aftercare and cleaning for your Invisalign aligners.

Brush Your Aligners Twice a Day

Your Invisalign aligners should be brushed at least twice a day to remove any built-up food particles and bacteria. If you don’t brush your aligners, they can become cloudy looking and take on a foul odor.

Use Lukewarm Water

When brushing and rinsing your aligners, don’t use hot water because this can warp or damage them. Instead use lukewarm water whenever you are cleaning your aligners.

Use a Soft-bristled Toothbrush

It is important to use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning your aligners. Hard bristles can actually damage your aligner trays.

When shopping for a toothbrush, check the package labeling to ensure you are buying a product with soft bristles. Some of our Brooklyn Heights patients choose to buy a toothbrush for a child so they can use soft bristles and a smaller toothbrush head to clean their aligners.

Don’t Use Toothpaste or Denture Cleaning Solutions

Toothpaste and denture cleaning solutions can be too harsh for the Invisalign aligner trays. Avoid using these products; a toothbrush and lukewarm water can clean your aligners.

You Can Use Clear, Anti-bacterial Soap

If you want a little more cleaning power, you can apply a small amount of clear, anti-bacterial soap to remove debris from your aligners. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the aligners when you are done to remove all signs of soap.

Consider the Invisalign Cleaning System

The Invisalign cleaning system uses gentle cleaning crystals that remove odors and plaque in just 15 minutes. Simply let the crystals dissolve in water, and place your aligners in the solution.

Rinse Your Aligners Every Time You Remove Them

Each time your remove your aligners to eat, make sure to rinse them under lukewarm water to remove particles and bacteria.

Remove Food Particles from Your Teeth before Inserting Your Aligners

You should also remove any lingering food particles from your teeth before re-inserting your aligners. We understand that it may not be possible to brush your teeth every time you take your aligners out, but you can vigorously rinse your mouth out with water to remove as much debris as possible.

Don’t Eat, Drink, or Smoke with Your Aligners in Place

You can drink water with your aligners in place, but for any other drinks, you should take your aligners out. They obviously need to come out when you are eating, as well, since they can become damaged if they are used to bite and grind food.

Patients should also avoid smoking with their aligners in place. Smoking can cause the aligners to become discolored, not to mention the damage that it can do to your teeth and gums.

Contact Our Practice

To find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign, contact our practice online or call us in Brooklyn Heights at (718) 857-6639.