Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Gum Contouring for Small Teeth

Apr 12, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Laser Gum Contouring

If you have small teeth, you are probably aware of it. Having a gummy smile can leave individuals reluctant or even self-conscious about smiling. One treatment for this condition is gum contouring.

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, Doctors Eugene D. Stanislaus and Lisa Reid perform laser gum contouring to improve the appearance of the gum line. Once you have undergone this quick and pain-free procedure, you can enjoy the benefits of a more attractive and balanced smile. Our doctors use state-of-the-art technology to safely sculpt your gum line.

To find out if you are a good candidate for laser gum contouring for small teeth, contact our Brooklyn, NY practice.

What Causes Small Teeth?

There are several factors that affect how large or small our teeth appear. The two most significant factors are the length of the visible portion of the tooth and how much gum tissue covers the tooth.

Individuals may experience microdontia due to:

No matter what the cause is, our doctors and staff can tailor a treatment plan that works with your budget.

How Can Gum Contouring Address My Small Teeth?

Gum contouring offers a long-term, cost-effective treatment option for small teeth. By using a dental laser to remove small amounts of gum tissue, your teeth will appear larger and more prominent.

One of our doctors will artfully sculpt your gums in a way that enhances your teeth while maintaining the natural appearance of your gum line. One benefit of this treatment is that the results will last a lifetime.

Am I a Candidate for Gum Contouring?

As with any surgery, candidates for gum contouring should be in good oral health. One of our doctors in Brooklyn will examine your gums to determine if you are a candidate for gum contouring.

Patients who undergo this treatment should be willing to maintain healthy gums. Because a small amount of gum tissue is removed, untreated gum disease could lead to further gum line recession.

A Look at the Procedure

A local anesthetic will be used to completely numb gum tissue near the front of your teeth. If you feel nervous or anxious about the procedure, we offer oral conscious sedation.

Once you are comfortable, one of our doctors will use a special laser to remove small amounts of excess gum tissue. As the laser cuts, it also seals blood vessels, meaning there is minimal bleeding and recovery time associated with this procedure.

Gum Contouring Alternatives or Complementary Treatments

There are multiple options for improving the appearance of your smile.

Veneers can be placed on the front of your teeth. This treatment process requires that a small amount of your enamel be removed. This allows us to place veneers that add length or width to your teeth.

Teeth whitening can brighten small teeth, but they do not affect their prominence. In addition, the effects wear off over time.

Orthodontics can improve the appearance and alignment of your teeth. For some patients, we may recommend combining Invisalign or traditional braces with gum contouring.

Contact Our Office Today

Gum contouring is an effective and safe procedure for small teeth. If you are ready for a more prominent and brighter smile, contact our office online or call us in Brooklyn at (718) 857-6639.