Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

The Benefits of Gum Contouring: Enhancing Your Smile

Mar 2, 2018 @ 11:55 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Gum Contouring Cosmetic Dentistry

Gum contouring refers to various methods of altering the shape and contour of a patient's gumline. This is a common procedure when patients have gummy smiles, which means the the gums are too prominent when a patient is smiling. Using the latest techniques and technology available, a dentist can reshape the gumline, improving its overall shape, making it less prominent, and enhancing the beauty of a patient's smile in the process.

The team at our Brooklyn, NY dental practice has helped countless patients experience a better looking smile thanks to gum contouring. Let’s take a moment to consider the benefits of the gum contouring procedure. This will help you understand why improving the shape of the gums is so important.

Your Gums Are Much Less Prominent

Thanks to gum contouring, a patient's gums are far less prominent. The results appear natural as well, which means that friends, relatives, co-workers, and strangers will not notice you've undergone any sort of dental work. Instead they’ll simply notice the improved appearance of your smile.

Little Pain During the Procedure

Modern anesthesia and pain management techniques have made gum contouring a far more comfortable experience for patients. Local anesthetic will numb the gums so patients are not in pain during treatment. For patients who may be anxious about dental work, sedation dentistry techniques can keep them feeling calm and relaxed.

Fast Recovery Time

Even though gum contouring is an oral surgery procedure, the recovery times are relatively fast overall. Patients will be able to return to most of their favorite normal activities soon after their surgery has been performed.

Side Effects Are Easy to Manage

All surgeries have side effects, but the side effects to gum contouring are generally quite easy to manage. Pain and discomfort can be minimized thanks to the use of pain killers or over-the-counter pain relievers; cold compresses against the face can also help with pain management. These side effects improve day to day until they eventually disappear.

Improved Smile Appearance

The cosmetic benefits of gum contouring cannot be understated. Many gum contouring patients notice a drastic improvement in their smile’s aesthetics, with the teeth becoming more prominent and than the gums. This can bring out the true beauty of a person’s smile.

Greater Confidence in Your Smile

With improved appearance comes an increased sense of confidence in the appearance of the smile. The improvement in self-confidence can change the way you carry yourself and the way you interact with others. There’s nothing wrong with just a bit more confidence.

Potential Improvements in Job Performance

If you work in a profession that involves a lot of personal interactions with clients and consumers, gum contouring can potentially enhance your job performance. A little smile enhancement can go a long way in a number of fields, such as public relations, modeling, sales, and fundraising.

Learn More About Gum Contouring

If you would like more information about gum contouring and how it can help you feel better about your smile, be sure to contact the dentists of Brooklyn Heights Dental. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in much greater detail.