Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Common Bad Dental Habits to Avoid

Jun 27, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: General Dentistry Tooth Decay Restorative Dentistry

Maintaining a healthy smile requires patients to diligently practice proper dental care. Most people brush twice a day, but many are not aware that brushing alone is not enough. While restorative dentistry treatments can help get your oral health back on track, it's best to prevent damage in the first place. Brooklyn dentist Eugene D. Stanislaus offers this overview of common bad dental habits to avoid so you can ensure a great smile for years to come.

Bad Dental Habits and Tips to Avoid Them

Even if you brush twice a day, you may have developed some bad dental habits. Avoid the following common bad dental habits with these tips.

Schedule a Consultation

Don't let bad dental habits ruin your smile. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Stanislaus today