Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

What You Can Expect During a Dental Exam

Sep 12, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dental Exams Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Contrary to what some people may believe, dental problems are not immediately discernable. In most cases of tooth decay, cavities cannot be seen or felt until they have already grown into a sizable portion of the tooth. It is for this reason that regular dental exams are so important - if a problem is detected early, it can be treated more easily and before it leads to the need for additional restorative dentistry.

But dental exams are not simply about cavity detection. By keeping track of your dental and oral health, a dentist can diagnose a range of potential problems and recommend treatment both professionally and at home. If you are unsure of what to expect at your next exam, or you are curious what our Brooklyn dental practice has to offer, take note of the following preventative services.

Professional Cleanings and Additional Protection

Dental exams and cleanings are usually performed in tandem, either once or twice each year. While a professional cleaning is not intended to detect problems, but rather prevent them, it is an equally important practice in one’s oral health and should be expected at any regular dental visit. During a cleaning, the dentist or dental hygienist will first use a scaling tool to remove plaque and tartar from teeth and gums. This will expose and disperse the underlying bacteria responsible for gum disease and tooth decay. Afterward, teeth will be gently polished to create a smooth surface and therefore discourage bacteria from adhering to tooth tissue in the future.

In addition to a routine cleaning, patients may benefit from other preventative services such as fluoride treatment to strengthen teeth or dental sealants to protect the occlusal surfaces of molars. This can be especially important for younger patients whose tooth enamel is still growing and are therefore more susceptible to decay.

Detection of Disease

Tooth decay, gum disease, and other infections are best treated as early as possible. By visiting your dentist regularly, you increase your odds of detecting such problems quickly and thus benefiting from timely intervention.

Benefits of a Visual Exam

Not all aspects of an exam require specific technology. In fact, some of the most telling symptoms of dental problems can be recognized immediately by a trained eye. For instance, an experienced dental should be able to tell whether a patient suffers from bruxism, based on teeth that are chipped or worn in certain areas. Similarly, abrasions along teeth near the gum line may indicate aggressive brushing habits. Other health problems such as diabetes can often leave effects on one’s dental health as well, and it is through such symptoms that a dentist can help keep an eye on a patient’s overall health. Some diseases or disorders may even be first diagnosed in the dentist’s chair. A thorough visual exam is not something to be taken for granted; be sure to schedule your next visit with us if you have not yet done so.  

Come In for an Exam

Professional exams and cleanings are an essential part of your dental health, especially if you have not been to the dentist in a while. Call or email our office to set up your next appointment or to inquire about our range of general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services.