Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

The Recovery Process Following Dental Implant Surgery

Dec 31, 2013 @ 05:54 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dental Implants Oral Surgery Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

When you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, there are many options to consider to restore your overall dental health and wellness. When you meet with a cosmetic dentist, you'll be able to learn about many of options for enhanced dental wellness in greater detail. On particularly helpful option to consider is the use of implant dentistry to support dental appliances.

We would like to take a moment right now to consider the dental implants process, with a special focus on the recovery period following the placement of the dental implants. By knowing what is ahead, patients will have realistic expectations about the whole treatment process and what it entails.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically embedded in the jawbone and gum tissue of the tooth gap. By embedding the dental implants in the living structures of the patient's mouth, dental implants will provide a hold comparable to natural tooth roots and will also prevent gum recession and bone loss in the area of the tooth gap.

Placing the dental implants requires oral surgery, so it's important that patients are healthy enough to undergo surgery and understand that the recovery process does take time.

What to Expect After the Oral Surgery

After oral surgery, tenderness and soreness are common. Patients will be given pain medication to address any undue soreness and are asked to rest on the first day or so following surgery.

Sutures will be placed along the gum tissue to ensure proper healing. It's important that patients do NOT use straws during the early weeks of recovery as the pressure in the mouth can affect incision sites and sutures. Be sure to follow your oral surgeon and/or dentist's post-operative instructions to the letter to ensure optimal healing.

Dietary Changes to Consider

It will be difficult to eat certain kinds of foods after the oral surgery to have dental implants placed. In those early days of recovery, dentists will instruct patients to eat soft foods and drink beverages that are lukewarm in temperature. This will prevent issues with implant sensitivity and soreness. Patients will be able to return to a normal diet relatively soon, but they should again follow the advice of their oral surgeon or dentist in case special instructions apply.

The Process of Osseointegration

The most important part of the dental implants process is known as osseointegration. This means the fusion of the dental implant(s) with the gum tissue and bone structure in the mouth. Only when this happens will the dental implants be able to properly support dental restorations.

How long will this healing process take?

The overall healing process will vary from patient to patient, though generally it can take anywhere between three to six months. You will receive an estimated treatment timeline during your consultation.

Keep In Touch So Major Issues Can Be Addressed ASAP

As you heal, you will visit your dentist for follow-up care exams. If there are any issues or pressing needs as you heal, it's important that you get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible so that these issues can be addressed in a timely manner. This will allow you to get the most out of your treatment and prevent serious complications.

Learn More About Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

For more information about dental implants and your many other options for addressing tooth loss and serious dental problems, be sure to contact our Brooklyn Heights cosmetic dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you make wise decisions about your dental health and wellness.