Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

How to Choose an Endodontist

Dec 27, 2013 @ 06:46 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

Root canal therapy is a dental treatment that has developed a bad reputation. Many people associate this procedure with pain and the need for continual retreatment. The truth is that, under the right hand, root canal therapy can be an uncomplicated procedure that actually eliminates pain for patients and restores full oral functions. One of the main factors in determining the success of root canal therapy is in choosing the right endodontist. For patients in Brooklyn in need of an endodontist, it is important to consider experience, advancement of dental technology, and attention to patient satisfaction. Cosmetic dentist Eugene Stanislaus meets all of the criteria that help ensure that endodontic treatment is free of complications for his patients and results in the elimination of painful tooth infection.


Endodontics is a specialized dental practice. Not all dentists are qualified to perform root canal therapy. In order to ensure the success of treatment, patients should look for a dentist with specialized training in endodontics, as well as a good amount of experience in performing root canal therapy. Endodontists should be trained in the use of advanced dental techniques that allow for the accurate diagnosis of root canal infection as well as effective treatment of the condition. Dr. Stanislaus has both the training and experience to successfully diagnose root canal infection and perform root canal therapy. He has been providing endodontic services to patients for over 20 years. These years of experience make him an excellent choice when it comes to selecting a trusted endodontist.

Dental Technology

Over the years, there have been many advances in root canal therapy. These advances extend to the type of dental equipment that is available as well as the techniques that can be employed during treatment. When looking for a good endodontist, patients should consider whether the doctor has stayed up-to-date with these advances. Dr. Stanislaus is committed to keeping his dental practice up-to-date with the latest dental technology. He continually completes training to ensure that his patients can benefit from the latest dental techniques. Brooklyn Heights Dental is also equipped with the latest dental equipment. If there is a new device or technique that will make dental treatments more effective or comfortable for his patients, Dr. Stanislaus and his associates will learn it.

Attention to Patient Satisfaction

Another important factor in choosing an endodontist is the attention they pay to patient satisfaction. It is always a priority of Dr. Stanislaus to ensure that patients are happy and comfortable throughout treatment, as well as satisfied with the results of treatment. One common concern of patients undergoing root canal therapy is pain management. Dr. Stanislaus uses appropriate anesthetics to ensure that there is no discomfort experienced by patients during treatment. If there is any discomfort afterwards, pain medication can be provided to manage this discomfort as well. Ultimately, the main goal of treatment is to comfortably, safely, and effectively eliminate root canal infection so that the strength of the tooth is restored and infection does not reoccur.

Schedule an Appointment

We know that choosing the right dentist to care for your teeth is an important decision. That is why we are so honored by the number of patients who have chosen Dr. Eugene Stanislaus and his associates at Brooklyn Heights Dental as their oral health care providers. If you are looking for a trusted endodontist, schedule an appointment to meet Dr. Stanislaus at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!