Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Sedation Dentistry with Nitrous Oxide

Oct 14, 2013 @ 06:10 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Dental care is vital to the overall oral health of a patient. However, dental anxiety is a problem experienced by many patients. Whether a patient has had a long time fear of the dentist or if they have had a negative experience in the past, this anxiety can prevent patients from undergoing even the most basic dental treatments. At Brooklyn Heights Dental, we believe that professional dental care should be included in any oral maintenance routine. However, we also believe that patients should feel relaxed and comfortable when receiving this care. That is why cosmetic dentist Eugene D. Stanislaus offers our patients in Brooklyn nitrous oxide sedation dentistry. For those who are candidates, sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide can eliminate anxiety and create a pleasant dental experience.


Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a form of conscious sedation dentistry. This means that the patient is not put to sleep for treatments, they are simply put in a relaxed, euphoric state. This is the most commonly used form of sedation dentistry because it is considered very safe and has few risks. For these reasons, most patients are considered good candidates for sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide. Sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide may be a good option for patients who experience any of the following:

For patients with any of the above characteristics, Dr. Stanislaus can discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

When undergoing sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide, patients are administered a steady stream of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Patients inhale this combination of gasses through a set of nasal tubes, which means there is no need for any needle injections. As the gasses are inhaled, patients remain awake but they will experience feelings of deep relaxation and euphoria. This allows patients to undergo routine dental exams and even more extensive dental work without feeling anxiety or fear. The effects of nitrous oxide only last as long as the gasses are administered. This allows patients to easily and quickly come out of this sedated state once the nasal tubes are removed.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety may seem like a minimal problem but when it leads to the neglect of dental care it can greatly impact the health of the teeth, gums, and entire body. Sedation dentistry can be a great tool for patients who suffer from dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide is a safe way for patients to set aside dental fears so that necessary dental care can be administered. This allows many patients to benefit from healthier teeth and gums and a more attractive smile.

Schedule an Appointment

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, we want all of our patients to feel safe and comfortable while in our care. Dental fear does not need to prevent you from getting the healthy, beautiful smile that you deserve. If you suffer from dental anxiety, schedule an appointment with Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus to discuss sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide. We look forward to meeting you!