Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Jan 25, 2011 @ 07:23 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Tooth Sensitivity Dental Health

We’ve all had that sharp feeling before. You’re sipping some soup or having that morning coffee; you’re having a nice cold drink on a hot summer day or having some ice cream after dinner; you’re out and about early on a frosty morning and take a deep breath of that crisp, cool air--suddenly there’s a shot of pain that courses through your jaw that leaves you wincing, maybe even hunched over in an unexpected fit of pain.

Our Brooklyn cosmetic dentist is familiar with many matters related to tooth sensitivity. It’s something that people experience at different ages and in different degrees. Sometimes the pain from a sensitive tooth or multiple sensitive teeth is mild and manageable, other times it is quite acute and may make all types of activities difficult.

So what exactly is causing your teeth to be so sensitive? Why are the teeth so affected by hot and cold substances, whether they be food or drink? Let’s take a quick look at this issue, shall we?

First of all, sensitivity of the teeth usually occurs when the gums recede or part of the cementum of the tooth is eroded, leaving part of the tooth root exposed. The root of the tooth leads to the nerve centers of the tooth in the pulp, which is acutely sensitive to heat or cold.

There are many causes for tooth sensitivity. Brushing too vigorously is one possible cause, which is why you should think of using a soft bristle toothbrush when you brush your teeth. Age can also have something to do with it, as people tend to have particularly sensitive teeth from their mid-twenties through their thirties. Bad dental care and dental hygiene can also cause this, as the gum may recede and the cementum erodes due to excessive plaque build-up. Cracks in teeth can also be a cause of tooth sensitivity, and this may result from injury or decay.

There is more to keep in mind when it comes to tooth sensitivity and dental treatments such as Brooklyn teeth whitening. To learn more about various dental health needs and what to expect during treatment, be sure to visit our dental care office for a consultation.